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 New Sales Tax Rules Prevent Guardian Angel Store From Delivering in Colorado

Consumer News drbonebrake writes "It was with great regret that the Guardian Angel Store announced that effective 1 Dec 2018, will no longer be able to deliver purchases within the state of Colorado.

As a result of the recent Supreme Court decision concerning sales tax, the State of Colorado will require, as of 1 Dec 2018, must collect and remit sales tax based on the address of the purchaser as opposed to current rules which are determined based on the physical location of operations. Additionally, must register with and file monthly sales tax returns associated with each sales tax jurisdiction within the state from which a purchase was made via the web site. This will require that trace and track the tax rates of an estimated 763 jurisdictions within the state of Colorado and link a given Colorado address to the state, county, city, and incorporated tax jurisdictions in which the address resides such that can calculate, aggregate, report, and remit the sales tax associated with purchases delivered to a given address within Colorado.

As a small woman owned business, stated they cannot afford the costs of tracing, tracking, and filing monthly tax returns based on individual addresses across 763 tax jurisdictions. While large corporations have the resources to purchase software and hire staff, tax lawyers, accountants, and programmers to comply with such burdensome requirements, the burden is well beyond small businesses such as anticipates they will soon face similar situations with additional states. They said they will sell online as long as they can, but as more states adopt similar tax policies will be forced to stop selling to customers in those states as well.

According to a spokesperson, "It will only be a matter of time before sales tax policy will force out of business." They continued, "It is not the fact we have to collect sales tax that will force us out of business, it is the administrative burden of tracing, tracking, calculating, collecting, and filing based on individual addresses as they fall under multiple tax jurisdictions. No company can stay in business if it cannot recover the cost of doing business through what it charges its customers, which includes the administrative burden of accounting and tax filing. The sad thing is that given the average cost of a purchase from us, it will cost far more for us to do the administration and filing than what any given jurisdiction will collect from us. If Congress does not act to simplify and restrict the burden of sales tax calculation, collection, and filing for online purchases, suspects this will become the beginning of the end for small business eCommerce. stated that they sincerely apologize to their Colorado customers, but the Colorado tax policy presents them with no choice. The spokesperson said, "Colorado is where our home is, but we are now prohibited from servicing our homestate customers.""

Posted on Tuesday, October 09 @ 18:55:48 MDT by admin

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