The Foundations of Religious Life
Revisiting the Vision
Author : Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious
Dimensions: 6 x 9
Published: May 2009
The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious has maintained the historical form of religious life, with sisters living in community and wearing the habit. While many religious orders are currently facing marked decline in novitiates and the aging of their members, the communities of the CMSWR are experiencing growth on a worldwide scale.
In this collection of foundational articles, the CMSWR articulates how its perspective is in keeping with the vision set forth by Vatican II, suggesting that its commitment to a more visibly counter cultural life and ministry is what sustains its orders and attracts young women to the CMSWR communities.
The Foundations of Religious Life is ideal reading for sisters and those in formation, as well as their counterparts in men's communities.
"New book reaffirms vision for counter cultural religious life of women", by Roxanne King, Denver Catholic Register, May 29, 2009.
Author: Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious Binding: Paper Back Pages: 244 ISBN: 9781594711985