The ever-popular and loved St. Therese of Lisieux, affectionately known as 'The Little Flower,' has her feast day on October 1st (on the old liturgical calendar, it is October 3rd). Catholics the world over who are devoted to this great saint and her 'Little Way' begin a novena ahead of her feast day to ask for her intercession for a special intention. This novena begins on September 22nd and ends on September 30th, the eve of her feast. St. Therese of Lisieux is famous for her habit of sending roses to her devotees as a sign that she has heard their prayers and is interceding for them. Pope Francis himself has a devotion to St. Therese, and has described how he has received roses after calling on her for help: 'I have the habit, when I don?t know how things will go, to ask St. Therese the little child, St. Therese of Jesus, to ask her if she takes a problem in hand, some thing, that she send me a rose.'
ISBN: 9780819851239