Orthodoxy - GK Chesterton
From the pen of one of Christianity's greatest defenders comes one of the most popular and highly sought after defenses of orthodox Christian belief. To be orthodox is to be of right opinion or belief. This work is a rollicking and right reasoned autobiography of how Chesterton came to believe in the virtues of Orthodox Christianity. Chesterton puts traditional Christian orthodoxy in dialogue with modern philosophies, eastern mysticism, and basically every other set of errors - the same systems of error that continue to pervade our culture. This book is by far Chesterton's magnum opus and has become one of the greatest books of the twentieth century.
This reading of Orthodoxy brings G.K. alive as if he were in dialogue with the enemies of faith and reason. While listening to this masterpiece, the rhetoric, style and smooth presentation of thought draws the reader into what Chesterton himself calls the "romance of orthodoxy."
Binding: CD ISBN: 9781936231126