Christ We Proclaim Vol. III
A Music and Liturgy Resource for the Rites of Christian Initiation
Christopher Walker, Editor
A year-round resource for musicians, liturgists and RCIA team leaders to help their parishes participate fully in the RCIA process.
Volume III: Good Friday through MystagogyChrist We Proclaim is an innovative, year-round resource for musicians, liturgists and RCIA team leaders to help their parishes participate fully in the RCIA process. It helps streamline music selection and preparation so you can focus on creating the best possible environment for a meaningful spiritual experience.
Covering the entire period of Christian Initiation, from the Precatechumenate through Easter to the Mystagogy, Christ We Proclaim contains a study edition of the ritual text for all the rites, summaries of the rubrics, planning guides for organizing the liturgies, and a wide selection of music for all the ritual moments -- all in the order you will use them. Christ We Proclaim helps you make better use of the provisions of the official ritual documents, The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Publisher: Oregon Catholic Press UPC: 768371129927