In this day and age it is easier that ever to lose our focus. To see what the world has to offer rather than what Jesus can offer. With that in mind, the Ver La Cruz was born. Ver La Cruz is Spanish for "See the Cross." Upon first glance, you notice the fish, the earliest symbol of Christianity, but when you look closer you "See the Cross." The Cross is our reminder that Jesus Christ died for us and paid the penalty for our sins. The dynamic upward direction of the fish represents His resurrection and the new life He wants to live in us. When we surrender and make him Lord, we can truly become "fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). We hope that people everywhere will See the Cross...and not their problems, that they will See the Cross...and not their pain, that they will See the Cross for what it offers, the gift f eternal life and freedom to live a new life in Jesus Christ!
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