Walking with God
Written by: Andrew Murray
In this new Pure Gold Classic edition, by Andrew Murray, we have combined three great classic works:
* Waiting On God
* Working For God
* Be Perfect
Together, these present a trilogy of blessed truth that will guide Christians into a deeper, more intimate, and more fulfilling relationship with the Lord. Each book is comprised of 31 chapters, or lessons, designed to be month-long daily readings.
In this edition, each book builds upon the previous one in order to guide the reader to first wait upon God, in patient humility, for His will to be revealed in our lives; then to work for God, habitually, in His strength alone; and then to Be perfect in heart and Christian maturity before God, "seeking to be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect." Murray beautifully unfolds Biblical truths to show the believers in Christ that before they can seek to "be perfect" they must first surrender the will in complete dependence upon God's working, and become "co-laborers" with the Lord amidst the trials and tribulations of this world that the cause of His Kingdom and the glory of His name might be proclaimed. The message of the book is wonderfully summed up by Rev. Murray; "If God's purpose with the perfection of the individual believer is to be carried out, waiting and working for God must have much greater prominence given to it as the true glory of our Christian calling."?
"I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience" (Rev 2:2).
"It is God who girdeth me with strength and maketh my way perfect (Psalm 18:32).
style="color: rgb(16, 18, 255);">Andrew A. Murray (1828-1917), was a pastor, evangelist, and educator in the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa for more than 60 years. He was also the author of more than 250 books and tracts. Other classic writings from the pen of Murray include, Absolute Surrender, Humility, and With Christ in the School of Prayer. Murray is known for maintaining the biblical truths of Reformed theology amidst his deep conviction in the ruling power of the Holy Spirit to effect great and miraculous events in the lives of God's people. One contemporary writer says of the life and influence of Murray, "It was the power if the Holy Ghost upon the heart and life of Andrew Murray that caused his spiritual influence to be felt throughout Christendom, and his books about Christ and the spiritual life are like a spice-laden breeze carrying refreshment to the whole Christian world!"?
Author: Andrew Murray Binding: Softcover Pages: 306 ISBN: 9780882704746