Altar Gang "He's Coming!"
It's the beginning of Advent and the Gang is decorating the Church. Skiff is distracted by the smell of cookies and wanders off. AJ must find him before Mass starts, but when he does, the temptation to eat cookies might be too great. Will AJ and Skiff get back in time for the beginning of Mass? Will they stuff themselves with cookies? Will they learn the importance of Advent? Join the Altar Gang for this adventure and find out. Total running time 30 min.
THE ALTAR GANG! audio series takes a fresh look at the Mass. Each Sunday, AJ the Aspergillum and Skiff the Incense Boat, along with rest of the Gang, help the priest prepare for Mass and learn about the Readings and Gospel through stories and silly adventures. The rest of the Gang includes Pete the Chalice, Mary the Ciborium, Pablo the Paschal Candle, Maggie the Bells, Thomas the Thurible, Big John the Baptismal Font, Mo the Ambo, James and John the Altar Candles, Cecilia the Music Stand, Guido the Organ and Mimi the Altar Cloth. Fun, exciting, educational, THE ALTAR GANG!? will bring the Mass alive for your family and teach them about the Liturgy and the Catholic Faith.
UPC: 094922594037