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New Sales Tax Rules Prevent Guardian Angel Store From Delivering in Colorado |
drbonebrake writes "It was with great regret that the Guardian Angel Store announced that effective 1 Dec 2018, GuardianAngelStore.com will no longer be able to deliver purchases within the state of Colorado.
As a result of the recent Supreme Court decision concerning sales tax, the State of Colorado will require, as of 1 Dec 2018, GuardianAngelStore.com must collect and remit sales tax based on the address of the purchaser as opposed to current rules which are determined based on the physical location of GuardianAngelStore.com operations. Additionally, GuardianAngelStore.com must register with and file monthly sales tax returns associated with each sales tax jurisdiction within the state from which a purchase was made via the GuardianAngelStore.com web site. This will require that GuardianAngelStore.com trace and track the tax rates of an estimated 763 jurisdictions within the state of Colorado and link a given Colorado address to the state, county, city, and incorporated tax jurisdictions in which the address resides such that GuardianAngelStore.com can calculate, aggregate, report, and remit the sales tax associated with purchases delivered to a given address within Colorado.
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Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 09 @ 18:55:48 MDT (3752 reads) |
Angel of Light |
Anonymous writes "Angel of Light
Heavenly angel of the glorious light
Shine your halo into my darkest night
The stars all aligned when you were born
Bringing light to a world so tattered and torn
Please ever loving angel of the light
You have the faith to heal my plight
I am on the road to forgiveness for my sins
I am on the path where enlightenment begins
Angel can you save me drowning at sea
I have the heart with the power to believe
Please say you will heal my suffering soul
I can promise you hope till I grow old
Ever loving Angel of our Lord above
You sanctify beauty, faith and love
Angel tell me that we are not all alone
My hopes flourish in my heart and home
May I not perish on the raging sea
Lord give me the strength to break free
I want to walk right into the holy light
Angel comfort me on my lonely nights
I once used to walk a very prickly path
That is until your light guided me back
I want my soul to come home to stay
Angel light your torch to show me the way
As another night just fades to black
I choose to follow the righteous path
By Gary Edward Allen 2018"
(comments? | Score: 1 | | )
Posted by admin on Monday, July 23 @ 08:47:56 MDT (3583 reads) |
Student Sues High School for Religious Freedom |
Prayer-Soldier writes "OPINION: On 13 Nov 2014, CBN News reported that a Colorado Springs public high school student is fighting for the rights of students to pray and discuss their faith during free time at school. According to “CBN News,” a student at Pine Creek High School reached out to the non-profit organization, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), who filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of the student. The action was taken after the high school leadership banned the use of an empty choir room for religious purposes such as praying, singing or discussing religious topics."
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Posted by admin on Thursday, November 13 @ 11:23:35 MST (7801 reads) |
Young Woman Writes From Perspective of a Child in the Womb |
drbonebrake writes "
OPINION: In the discussion concerning the ethics of abortion, one aspect which is often overlooked is the perspective of the life within the womb of the mother. This newly conceived life does not get a voice in the debate or to share their view of the choices others will make as to their future. Jennifer Badding pondered the idea and thought the voice of the child should be heard. "
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Posted by admin on Friday, October 10 @ 11:52:54 MDT (10772 reads) |
Students Sue HHS Over Mandate |
Prayer-Soldier writes " OPINION: On 3 Dec 2013, FOCUS VP of Training and Formation, John Zimmer posted an explanation as to why his student organization, Fellowship of Catholic University Students, was suing the United States government over the Health and Human Services Mandate. In an article titled, “'Our Sacred Honor': Why FOCUS Is Suing the U.S. Government,” Zimmer stated, “Under the demands of the HHS contraceptive mandate, our organization would be forced to violate our most sincere religious convictions and to participate in actions that, we believe, are gravely immoral.” Zimmer continued, “If we resist these demands, we face exorbitant fines that would severely cripple, if not destroy, our organization and its missionary activities.” "
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Posted by admin on Sunday, December 08 @ 23:33:32 MST (7324 reads) |
AHA Forces Schools to Stop Christmas Toy Drives |
Prayer-Soldier writes " OPINION: On 18 Nov 2013, Townhall.com reported that the American Humanist Association (AHA) forced a South Carolina charter school to cancel its annual Christmas toy drive. The article quoted Principal Renee Mathews as telling Townhall.com, “We received a letter saying we had to cease and desist immediately or they would take legal action against us.” Mathews related that while the school project donated the toys to a Christian charity, the project was voluntary, non-religious, and not tied to any graded assignments. Mathews told Towhall.com the school had no choice but to cancel the event as the school did not have the budget to fight a legal action. "
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Posted by admin on Monday, November 25 @ 00:42:59 MST (6111 reads) |
Chaplain Article Censored |
Prayer-Soldier writes " OPINION: On 24 Jul 2013, Fox News Radio reported that an Air Force Chaplain was told to remove a religious column from the base web site because it allegedly offended atheists. The article was titled, “No Atheists in Foxholes: Chaplains Gave all in World War II.” The article made a historical reference to a famous quote credited to Father William Cummings at Battan during WWII. "
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Posted by admin on Thursday, August 01 @ 01:37:55 MDT (7020 reads) |
The Way Evil Works, Twisting the Word of God |
Abortion Activist Cautioned by Court Against Referring to God |
drbonebrake writes " COLORADO SPRINGS – On 13 Jul 2012, Joseph Martone (50) received a sentence of $400.00 for trespassing in front of Planned Parenthood. Martone elected to defend himself and proceeded to trial without a lawyer. "
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Posted by admin on Monday, July 16 @ 01:25:18 MDT (7414 reads) |
Voice of Rebellion or Religious Freedom |
drbonebrake writes " OPINION – On 4 Jul 2012, the Petheos blog published the transcript of a homily delivered by Archbishop Chaput at a mass conducted on 4 Jul 2012 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC. The homily was presented as a concluding statement to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) sponsored “Fortnight for Freedom” which was designed to raise awareness of government encroachment upon the religious freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. "
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Posted by admin on Thursday, July 12 @ 02:00:47 MDT (5835 reads) |
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